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Irish America | 1916 | RTÉ ONE
1916 - RTÉ One
Rebellion | RTÉ One | Continues Sunday 17th January 9.30pm
1916 discussion and debate - Commemoration and Remembrance | The Late Late Show | RTÉ One
The Irish Rebellion ( 1916) || BBC
Easter Rising – The Aftermath | 1916 | RTÉ ONE
Centenary Patrick Cassidy feat. Sibéal - Mise Éire | RTÉ ONE
Centenary The Proclamation | RTÉ ONE
1916 Easter Rising: Awakening | History Documentary (Episode 1/3) HD
Michael Mallin’s Letter to his Family |’16 Letters | RTÉ ONE
Liam Neeson reads WB Yeats' Easter 1916 | RTÉ
Ceremony takes place at GPO to mark 1916 Easter Rising